Dear 2024 Brides

Dear 2024 Brides,

This is your year! The big day that you have dreamed about your whole life is almost here! However, it can be SO easy to get stuck in all the little details that it becomes hard to enjoy what is meant to be the happiest day of your life. That being said- here are some easy tips to help you avoid stress and enjoy the process.

Step 1: Take time to reflect. Write down the details that you don’t want to forget in a journal or a note to yourself so that you don’t forget them as the wedding gets closer. We tend to forget the little things when we are under stress. Write about that friend that reached out, the compliments on your ring, and even that nice florist who helped you find the perfect flowers.

Step 2: Keep it in perspective. How many times have you hosted or been at an event where there was a hiccup? Mistakes, miscommunications, and errors happen- and most likely your guests will NEVER notice. It is not the end of the world if you are a single napkin short, missing a hair clip, or suddenly far behind schedule. Most of the time you are the only one who can see these tiny imperfections!

Step 3: Take a breath. Try to take a moment aside with your significant other and breathe it all in. This is the only day that it’s all about you! Most of the time your wedding is spent saying hello to everyone, moving to the next speech or the next outfit change that you are hardly able to take a second to just enjoy. So make sure you carve out a little time for that!

Step 4: Get a good planner. If you know that you are easily stressed out by last minute tasks, or even if you think you have it all down, consider a planner or at least a month-of coordinator. These are key people in your wedding planning as they can use their experience and knowledge to forsee things that you may not be able to, and can help avoids hiccups and bumps before they occur day-of. And of course, they can handle these hiccups and bumps day of, too!

Step 5: Be present. Your reception party won’t go on without you, so don’t be afraid to stop and have a conversation with your guests. They will appreciate that you took the time to acknowledge them during a very busy day. So don’t say no to another dance with your girls, and save another dance for your parents. Staying intentional with your guests and with yourself will help ensure that you will have long lasting memories of the happiest day of your life treasured up for a lifetime!